Sandeepani Ashram


Charity brings to life again those who are spiritually dead.

Thomas Aquinas

Since times unknown, a tradition of Gurukuls was being followed in India for one’s education and fortification of one’s character. It was because of this Gurukul tradition that India had prospered and looked upon to by the rest of the world. We see in history that sons of emperors and sons of common men were sent to Gurukuls and Ashrams to obtain formal education. The pupils were very obedient to the Masters and considering them as the Ultimate, learnt from them the Vedas, the Vedangas, sciences and arts of living, various aspects of Astras and Shastras etc. Sri Krishna, in his childhood, has obtained His formal education at the Ashram of Sage Sandeepani. The Ashram of the great Sage was embellished with rich natural beauty and grandeur that drove the pupils into meditative states effortlessly. Natural antagonism between a cow and a lion was forgotten in that Ashram and the two creatures lived together harmoniously. At this Ashram, Sri Krishna took 64 days to learn 64 faculties of life and finally He brought back to life His Guru’s dead son and gifted him back to his father as Guru Dakshina. This is an example of intense devotion towards the Guru and an effective utilization of the Vidya obtained from him. The Supreme Masters are keen on rejuvenating these great Yogic faculties and making them available for the mankind, with an only aim of bringing back the glory of India as a World Master (Jagadguru). With the same inspiration, Sandeepani Ashram has been established at Mount Shamballa. Located at a serene environment on the hillock, with a stream of water flowing down the line, Sandeepani Ashram at Mount Shamballa reminds us of the tranquil and peaceful Ashrams of the ancient times. In the vicinity of the Ashram, 24 energy streams (Shakti Dhara) of Gayatri are installed in the form of a square. This arrangement helps the Sadhakas to quickly grasp the Maha Vidyas that are disseminated from Sandeepani Ashram. It is left to the Sadhakas to enhance their eligibility and efficiency. “The Great India starts from here” is the clarion call given by Mastergaru citing this place. Let us all join hands to learn these Maha Vidyas that are being disseminated from Sandeepani Ashram, and participate in the great mission to reestablish India as the World Leader. Sandeepani Ashram welcomes all the proud children of Mother India to take active part in this mission.

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Morbi et velit libero. Pellentesque porta nec ante non sodales. Etiam a posuere augue. Aenean vehicula vulputate nisi, sit amet cursus lorem vestibulum id. Morbi ac odio orci. Proin ut vestibulum dui. In facilisis, nunc ac sollicitudin pharetra, urna mauris posuere ligula, a scelerisque orci leo eget neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam varius diam et accumsan tincidunt. Nunc tempus aliquam arcu, id imperdiet quam sollicitudin eget. Praesent hendrerit metus est, ultrices rutrum odio volutpat in. Donec a erat vitae lacus vehicula porttitor. Curabitur nunc mauris, porttitor vel tellus sed, fringilla bibendum purus. Nunc in erat quis ex elementum blandit. Suspendisse non mauris eget nisi elementum aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus consectetur ut lorem a volutpat. Mauris venenatis scelerisque imperdiet. Cras scelerisque finibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut tincidunt suscipit rutrum. Duis porta lorem sed nulla vehicula tincidunt. Sed tincidunt elit tellus, id molestie nibh euismod et. Quisque ac neque nec turpis elementum ultrices a a mauris. Donec lobortis accumsan elit euismod elementum.
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Morbi et velit libero. Pellentesque porta nec ante non sodales. Etiam a posuere augue. Aenean vehicula vulputate nisi, sit amet cursus lorem vestibulum id. Morbi ac odio orci. Proin ut vestibulum dui. In facilisis, nunc ac sollicitudin pharetra, urna mauris posuere ligula, a scelerisque orci leo eget neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam varius diam et accumsan tincidunt. Nunc tempus aliquam arcu, id imperdiet quam sollicitudin eget. Praesent hendrerit metus est, ultrices rutrum odio volutpat in. Donec a erat vitae lacus vehicula porttitor. Curabitur nunc mauris, porttitor vel tellus sed, fringilla bibendum purus. Nunc in erat quis ex elementum blandit. Suspendisse non mauris eget nisi elementum aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus consectetur ut lorem a volutpat. Mauris venenatis scelerisque imperdiet. Cras scelerisque finibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut tincidunt suscipit rutrum. Duis porta lorem sed nulla vehicula tincidunt. Sed tincidunt elit tellus, id molestie nibh euismod et. Quisque ac neque nec turpis elementum ultrices a a mauris. Donec lobortis accumsan elit euismod elementum.
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Morbi et velit libero. Pellentesque porta nec ante non sodales. Etiam a posuere augue. Aenean vehicula vulputate nisi, sit amet cursus lorem vestibulum id. Morbi ac odio orci. Proin ut vestibulum dui. In facilisis, nunc ac sollicitudin pharetra, urna mauris posuere ligula, a scelerisque orci leo eget neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam varius diam et accumsan tincidunt. Nunc tempus aliquam arcu, id imperdiet quam sollicitudin eget. Praesent hendrerit metus est, ultrices rutrum odio volutpat in. Donec a erat vitae lacus vehicula porttitor. Curabitur nunc mauris, porttitor vel tellus sed, fringilla bibendum purus. Nunc in erat quis ex elementum blandit. Suspendisse non mauris eget nisi elementum aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus consectetur ut lorem a volutpat. Mauris venenatis scelerisque imperdiet. Cras scelerisque finibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut tincidunt suscipit rutrum. Duis porta lorem sed nulla vehicula tincidunt. Sed tincidunt elit tellus, id molestie nibh euismod et. Quisque ac neque nec turpis elementum ultrices a a mauris. Donec lobortis accumsan elit euismod elementum.
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